a Speech By Rupert Murdoch to the American society of Newspapers Editors.he is a media Mogul also a business man.
through his speech I found so many things which I can share with you. Murdoch is trying to imagine how can we live in this world of digitalization.
As a business owner, first he is so worried about the digital revolution, The digital revolution has brought so many difference and so challenges.
In early years a newspaper was a medium where almost every person could rely on regarding the news around the world
It's true, here in Tanzania during the independence struggle,we depended on radio, and there was only one radio which known as Redio Tanzania-RTD, so whenever they decided to tell Tanzanian's and people they trusted it.
Mr Peik Johannson, he is a journalist and training consultant,from the finnish foundation for media, communication and development-VIKES
through this training he taught us a different website,we as a journalist can use it to get facts and findings of sensitive issue like social, political and economic issues.
even taught us about Rupert Murdoch the one who never known before.
according to the speech of murdoch which he spoken to the american society of news papers editors,he said we need to realize that the next generation of people accesing news and information,whether from news newspapers or any other source, have a different set of expectation about the kind of news they will get, including when and how they will get it where they will get it from,and who they will get it from.
through this, young people'S changing habits through newspaper and other source of information.
In the lesson also we find there so many website in worldwide,like Google, yahoo, Facebook, Baidu, Youtube, Wikipedia, blogspot, windowlive,and so many.
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